Jessica arrived!!!!
We all had a lesiurely lunch with thousands of others at the unfortunately-redecorated, old-time brasserie, La Coupole, 102, bd du Montparnasse, One of the first times I was in Paris, I went there, much more charming then than now, and asked a waiter at which table Sartre sat. “All of them,” he told me. Anyway, I hope their website is fine as I forgot to take a photo of the place, I was getting hassled for all of the “tourist” photos I took during lunch.
Walked around the rue de Buci, had a cognac at Bar du Marché and a later afternoon rest, Jessica went to the Lippi exposition at the Musée du Luxembourg.
Having bought sole at the Raspail Bio-Marché this morning, we had sole food for dinner along with some St. Marcellin for dessert. No one else had the St. Marcellin, unfortunately.