Hard to believe how fast a month goes by but there it is.
A number of schoolchildren and I had fun at the Musee de la Poste (being a philatelist in my youth),www.ladressemuseedelaposte.fr, but Deb and Roo took a pass. Too bad, it was a nicely laid out and interesting museum if you like that sort of thing.
If you happen to be in the 18th near Blvd. de Clichy, there is a lovely new place called Le Bal Cafe on an impasse (dead end) street run by two English women. Small menu but very good food. There is also some sort of art/photo gallery next door.
Went to Drouhot, the auction house, to check out the action on the old advert posters and then to Caves Auge where I had yet another diappointing French moment mais c’est la vie.
After a brief pause (spoken with a French accent), we went back to Verjus for our last dinner of this trip.
Walked across the Seine on Pont des Arts, put a lock on the chain link fence, tossed the key in the river and that was our month in Paris.