Still another gallery, this one the Marmottan,, where Monet’s “Sunrise–An Impression” (“Impression Soleil Levantl“) gave name to the Impressionists, which a number of them didn’t like anyway. Although I’ve been here a few times, Graham wanted to show me Monet’s palette, one of which is on exhibit although the better one was off somewhere else, someone explained to me. I couldn’t take photos so I photographed the “Sunrise” and “Palette” postcards.
This musée is out in the 16th arr, just this side of the Bois de Boulogne but a very ritzy area. Walking through the Ranleagh Park, even the grimy pigeons had turned into white-neck doves (or at least some more elegant-looking breed of pigeon). I couldn’t really figure out how that happened. There were also magpies around the park which I haven’t seen elsewhere.
Worked for a bit today, trying to finish a few things.Sandy had to run a few errands.
Then spent an hour or so reading Paris Match, their higher-brow version of People. Very interesting article about Isabelle Adjani, the French film star of many years.
Got a few things organized this afternoon (shipped boxes of books, etc. home), had a drink at Café de la Mairie and headed off to Racine’s (again) tonight. Ended up doing a few “repeats” but there it is. Our prerogative.
- It even looks impressionistic here.
- Palette.
- Statue in Ranleagh Park. I am not sure who this is but it’s an author with characters from one of his famous fables; although you can’t tell from this angle, someone has put a rose in the fox’s mouth.
- Part of Racine’s decor.
- It even looks impressionistic here.
- Palette.
- Statue in Ranleagh Park. I am not sure who this is but it’s an author with characters from one of his famous fables; although you can’t tell from this angle, someone has put a rose in the fox’s mouth.
- Part of Racine’s decor.